Wednesday, November 19, 2008

laughing it off

Hi. I would love to make a more substantial first post, but this week has got me in a bit of a tizzy. A very, incredibly, ridiculously exhausted tizzy, at that. And it's only Wednesday. Next time I'll make up for it and tell you all about my wildly awesome new sublet (holy shit it's CRAZY awesome), feeling drowned in a language I don't fully (or even more than barely) understand, and how Quebec tried to deport me just minutes after my arrival (I am still passport-less 48 hours later).

Hopefully, you will be sufficed if I share a joke I learned this week, a new favorite of mine. I like it enough to try really hard to remember it for future use in a joke-sharing situation (but will probably end up re-telling all wrong and sucking all humor out of in a week's time). It goes a-like this:

The chicken and the egg are basking in the afterglow of some pretty hot sex, but the egg looks kind of down and out. “Hey, what’s wrong, Egg?” asks the chicken. The egg laughs hollowly and says, “Huh... guess we answered *that* question.”

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