Sunday, December 14, 2008

my apologies to emus everywhere

This is a little gross, and I feel sort of bad about it, but emu oil is a new favorite of mine. It's the only substance that's ever been able to calm my bitterly-cold-weather-hating skin, which tends to chafe and flake and crack in painful, irritating, and highly unattractive ways. And the stuff is everywhere here. As an ex-vegetarian who still eats meat only rarely, I feel a little odd (/guilty/shameful/disgusting) about rubbing what's essentially dead animal juice on my face and hands. But this stuff is like a miracle in a bottle. I gotta say, Mr. Emu, your juice is the shit. (I mean to say that it is awesome. I do draw the line at rubbing animal shit on my body, I don't care what it cures.)

So yeah, I know you're kind of cute, and I'm sorry, but... my skin's never felt better.

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