Sunday, April 5, 2009


It is April, and it has been showering like crazy. And all this rain is now bringing a pretty intense cold front my way. Tomorrow, it won't get warmer than the 40s, and temps may actually drop to freezing. Not good news, since I don't have but one long-sleeved shirt with me. I didn't even bring my fall jacket here, thinking I'd be melting in Atlanta heat the minute I stepped into town. I had to buy a blanket today in preparation, since I'm lacking appropriate bedding as well. I may have to roll up to work tomorrow wrapped in said blanket. I wish someone would have told me to expect a freeze in these parts. This weather be crazy confusing.

Things are still pretty slow here... it's been far too long since I've had a late night out or broken a wine glass on my face. In somewhat related news, I’m feeling a bit uncreative, which is why I haven’t been inspired to post much recently (not that there's a whole lot to report). I should make it a point to pick out at least one funny thing about every day, and make more frequent mini-posts. Because there’s always SOMEthing funny going on. Especially when I work for an 81-year-old chiropractor who's been at it for almost 60 years, and whose list of favorite things includes telling awesome jokes. I'll leave you with one he told last night:

An armed bank robber was fleeing the scene when he passed an onlooker. "Did you see me rob this bank?" the thief asked. "Yes," the man replied. BANG! The robber shot the witness on the spot. He went to the next man, standing close by. "Did you see me rob this bank?" the thief asked him. "No," the man replied. Then, pointing to the woman standing beside him, he added, "but my wife did."

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