Tuesday, December 15, 2009

and then things got very complicated

I can't decide whether it's funny or tragic, that every time I feel like I'm growing as a person, becoming more of an adult, and more certain about what I want out of life, the indecisive, fickle version of my subconscious comes exploding through the door, reminding me why I'm not certain about anything, nothing at all.

It starts with an unexpected new option, a loophole from the path you thought you were becoming sure about that pops up, at first just uninvasively dancing in your peripheral vision. No pressure. Just showing itself as a possibility.

But that harmless little introduction can cause a shift in you somewhere, a seed that gets planted and with a little tweak and a little time can establish a pretty solid root system in your brain that seems impossible to shake. Your perception is thus transformed, old questions return to their place in your impossibly overanalytical head, and you realize you don't know anything anymore. Even when you thought you were figuring your life out? Oh yes, especially then.

I need to clear my head, take a break from life, and stop thinking so much. And move to a land where existential crises are easily solved. With cookies and punch. And maybe even balloon animals.

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