Monday, December 28, 2009

christmas came and went, and i didn't even go crazy

For a holiday trip in Texas that was so saturated with family (starring parents who normally drive you slightly or severely insane, depending on the day and the level of the two of them bickering and/or interrupting your stories), the last 4.5 days were quite alright. It was probably the first time since high school that I spent so many days back-to-back as a homebody in the 'burbs, just chilling with the folks. And to my surprise, I didn't once lose patience with my mom for not hearing what in the world I was saying for the seventh time, or with my dad for taking 11 minutes to gather his things and leave a parked car to head inside wherever it was we were going. It's nice to step outside your regular 'impatient child' role in the family and as an outsider looking in, laugh at the hilarity that is your adorably aging parents, however slow/deaf/absent-minded they may be. Of course, a trip that begins and ends with top-notch Texican food can't be all bad.

Despite the relaxing family-bonding weekend, it is very nice to come home to a city you love and a purring kitty who loves you and a clean abode, and to sleep on a mattress that's not nestled on the floor between a Christmas tree and a Foosball table. Being an adult is great, and maybe more so when those awesome adulthood perks are so closely juxtaposed to memories of a control-free childhood existence, however pleasant they were.

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