Monday, June 7, 2010

good save

I purposely did not write anything about my Memorial Day weekend, due to the overall shittiness of the whole thing. May was mostly excellent, but I give its ending two big fat thumbs (way) down.

However, I can safely talk about life again, because of the incredibly amazing awesomeness that this past weekend has brought. I have friends visiting me from Chicago who in and of themselves make me happy. Compound their presence with a wildly entertaining karaoke session, a delightfully sunny day, a charming night of jazz bands, (slightly) drunken Scrabble, and speakeasies, and then a day spent in nature with friends: a hike on the Olympic peninsula, ending with a picnic in a big old steamy hot spring. I can't express how wonderful it is to live in the Pacific Northwest. The raw beauty is really more impressive than I could even try and articulate. The weekend thus ended rendering me a very exhausted and happy girl.

So if I thought May was going to be a magnificent month, I'm almost scared for how great June will be. With a beginning like this, there's no telling. Summer is here. Excellence continues. (And we'll just forget about that little blip on Memorial Day.)

1 comment:

Gail said...

you are so wonderful. i miss you!!!!!!