Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I've been in and out of an impatient little rut lately. Last night it culminated when I realized I missed my old best friend, whom I haven't spoken with in over a year. It didn't help that I'd just gotten a bad haircut and a bill for a student loan that I have to start paying next month. Add to that an overwhelming feeling of loneliness after being the last one to leave the cafe before closing, right when the sky opened up and starting crying all over me.

This morning, I vented to a pair of understanding, girly ears, and then walked to the library to check out some movies. And like a treat from the sky (or maybe an apology for it blubbering on me yesterday), the clouds opened up and the sun shone through for the better part of an hour. I stopped by the Crumpet Shop and grabbed myself a pesto-tomato-English cheese treat. Isn't that such a fun word to say? Crumpet.

crumpet crumpet crumpet.

And then I read a quote by Kurt Vonnegut:
"We are dancing animals. How beautiful it is to get up and go out and do something. We are here on Earth to fart around. Don't let anybody tell you any different."

As I walked back home with my post-crumpet tea in hand, having done nothing majorly productive, but having gotten out, accomplished something, and chased a little bit of that elusive sunlight, I agreed.

I don't know if it was the crumpet or the Vonnegut or the farting around, but I felt exponentially better.

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