Thursday, March 11, 2010

it was a week

..a little bit of a splendid one, and a little bit of a crap one.

I gave a talk about chiropractic, and people liked it, and understood it. I even got new patients from it. And I networked with some other doctors, and felt good about my job. I was happy and proud.

I was social. I met new people. I had many dinners with my beautiful visiting friend, who has a knack for making beautiful dinners. And we talked about families and growing up and loving people and breaking up and we shared stories and laughed and cried.

And then I saw something I wish I hadn't seen, and felt like I'd been kicked in the teeth (thanks for that, Facebook, you asshole). And then, my kitty broke, costing me a crapload of money to fix an infected tooth. In fact, in retrospect, I should have used my cat as a medium between me and Facebook, so that she would have caught the brunt of the blow, and her lousy tooth could have been kicked out, in essence saving me $600 and a bit of emotional turmoil. This obscure talk is making no sense, I know. I stop now.

Anyway, all's okay still, because in this week's case, the happy outweighed the metaphorical mouth beating. And luckily, I still have a beautiful visiting friend, for at least another day. Plus, the weekend is presenting more dinners and laughing and dinner partying and dance partying and fun and smiles and more laughing.

Take that, tooth kicker.

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